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Project Grants

Interlace Project Grants support the creation and public presentation of new work by Providence-area artists, artist collectives, and other artist-directed projects.



Interlace Project Grants range from $4000 to $6000 and support artist-driven projects in the Providence area. 

Interlace prioritizes the making of new visual artworks that expand the public’s understanding of the visual arts, especially through unexpected collaborations.
The intended outcome of Interlace Project Grants is to make visible often unseen and under-supported artistic activity and to cultivate engaged communities around this work, via collaborations in process and/or presentation.
Please see the Project Grant FAQs section for more detail.


Project - Overview

Funded activities may include
(but are not limited to): 


  • The creation of a new body of visual artwork with a publicly accessible component 

  • A public event, performance, or intervention

  • A site-specific and/or public-facing art project 

  • A new exhibition or exhibition series 

  • A screening, lecture, broadcast, or workshop series

  • Publications, including printed and digital formats

  • Experimental forms and more




What type of projects will not be funded?

  • Projects not led by an artist or artist collective 

  • Projects that are not presented to the public in the Providence area (see map

  • Projects proposed by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 

  • Projects proposed by incorporated businesses 

  • Projects proposed by students 

  • Projects in which the lead applicant* lives outside of the Providence area (see map) or in which all artists/organizers reside outside of Providence-area (see map

  • Applications for the express purpose of renting studio space, professional development (classes, services), travel expenses, the purchase or rental of equipment, or hiring of services not otherwise associated with a public project that meets the above criteria.

  • Large projects where Interlace funding would only cover a portion of the funds needed to complete the project. Interlace Project Grants should be the primary source of funding for the proposed project.


*Applications for Interlace Project Grants must have a lead applicant even if a collective or group of artists apply. If awarded a grant, the lead applicant will be required to accept the grant in their name by submitting a W-9. Funding is then disbursed to that person and a 1099 issued in their name. The lead applicant is also responsible for submitting the final report.

Information Sessions, Workshops, & More

NOTE: RSVPs are not required but they do help better support you! Please, RSVP if possible!


Click here to download 2024 Interlace Info Session Slides. ​

Review & Selection Process

An independent panel reviews and selects projects for funding. The multi-person panel includes national and local artists, curators, and/or arts professionals.  All panelists review and rank each proposal based on project originality, clarity of application materials, and commitment to Interlace's priorities of visual art, collaboration, and engagement.


Interlace will share details about the jury upon announcement of Project Grant awardees.

Project - Timeline


April 19, 2024

Grant Writing Mentorship Program applications open (see below for details, under Application Process)

May 12, 2024

Grant Writing Mentorship Program applications due (see below for details, under Application Process)

July 15, 2024

Project Grant applications open

August 18, 2024

Early Review deadline (see below for details, under Application Process)

September 15, 2024

Deadline for project grant applications (Sunday September 15, 11:59pm EST)

November 2024

Applicants notified

December 2024 - January 2025

Grantees publicly announced
+ awards ceremony

January 2025 - March 2026

Awardee co-hort check-ins

By March 31, 2026

Project final reports due (10% distributed at review of final report)


Who is eligible for an Interlace Project Grant?


You must answer 'yes' to all of the following statements:

• I currently live within the 10-mile radius of Providence and in the state of Rhode Island.

• I am a practicing visual artist capable of providing examples of creative work made within the last two years.

• I am 18 years of age or older.

• I am not a full-time student/enrolled in a degree program.

• I have resided in the Providence area of the state of Rhode Island for at least one year prior to the latest Project Grant deadline and will be a resident upon receipt of grant funding.

• I have not received an Interlace Project Grant as a lead applicant in the last two years.

Project - Eligibility
Project - Application

Application Process


Applications for Interlace Project Grants will include

  • Contact information

  • Project information (project title, synopsis, paragraph biographies of lead applicant and collaborators)

  • Project details (overall project description and responses to questions about the project’s relationship to the visual arts, collaboration, and engagement)

  • Budget

  • Visual support materials 

To see application questions before logging into Submittable, please see the documents linked below this section ("Project Grant Application Questions & Instructions" and "Project Grant Budget Form"). 

Proposal Writing Support

We have two supports for applicants in 2024:


Deadline: SUNDAY MAY 12, 2024

While there are certainly artists who build careers without ever writing a grant, grants can be a useful way to gather helpful resources and feedback for a variety of creative endeavors. Even when a grant is not awarded, the processes of articulating ideas, refining a proposal, and mapping out a timeline and budget can be useful for the development of project management skills that all artists at some point or another will need to utilize. 

The Interlace Grant Writing Mentorship Program pairs an artist who has written successful grants in the past with an artist who is newer to grant writing. Mentors will help Emerging and Mid-Career Artists (“Mentees”) with the Interlace Project Grant application processes as well as provide general mentoring support. Please note: Only visual artists eligible to apply to the Interlace Fund are eligible for this program.


To learn more visit


Deadline: SUNDAY AUGUST 18, 2024


Submit a draft of your application (in Submittable) on or before AUGUST 18 and email to let us know you would like feedback. We will review your draft, offer feedback, and give you the opportunity to re-submit a new version.


If you submit a draft after August 18 and would like feedback, we will do our best to provide it but cannot guarantee it if the deadline has passed.

Project Grant Budget Form
(Google Sheet) 

Project - FAQs
  • How do I prove eligibility for Interlace Grants?
    In grant applications on Submittable, you will verify that you: Are at least 18 years of age. Currently live within the 10-mile radius of Providence and in the state of Rhode Island. Are not a full-time student or enrolled in a degree program. Have resided in the state of Rhode Island for at least one year and will be a resident upon receipt of grant funding. For Emergency Grants, you will also be asked to submit one of the following: A link to your artist website or a public social media account with a reasonable-length history that features your current or recent artwork (even if you shared this link above, please re-share it here) A link to an online article or website that verifies your identity as an artist If you are unable to submit one of the above and would still like to apply, please contact us at
  • Do you have to be a U.S. citizen to apply for Interlace grants?
    The lead applicant for Project Grants must have a social security number and be able to receive payment for the award. Additional collaborators and/or participants may be foreign nationals. Emergency Grant applicants do not have to be U.S. citizens. Project Grant lead applicants also must have lived in the eligible area for at least one year prior to the grant due date for which they are applying.
  • What is the "Providence Area" and how is it defined?"
    For the purposes of this grant we are considering the Providence Area as within a 10-mile radius of the City of Providence. You can view a map of eligible areas here.
  • How is a Providence-area resident defined?
    You must have been domiciled in the Providence area for at least one year at the time of application. This means your home in the Providence area is your primary residence and is the address you use for legal forms, state income taxes, car registration, driver's license or state-issued id, and voter registration.
  • Does the 10 mile radius include MA?
    No, just Rhode Island.
  • Is my eligibility impacted by prior or current engagements, awards, or programming affiliations with DPPP, PCG, or Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts?
    Current staff, residents, board members of the partnering institutions, and their immediate family members are ineligible to receive grants from Interlace. For Emergency Grants: Applicants may receive only one Emergency Grant grant per annual funding period. If you have received an Emergency Grant during this funding period of August 2022- May 2023, you are not eligible. If you received an Interlace Covid Relief Grant in 2020, you can apply for Interlace Emergency Relief grant. For Project Grants: Applicants who have previously been awarded a Project Grant grant as a lead applicant may reapply with a new project two years after completing their funded project.
  • Can previous Interlace grantees re-apply for funding?
    For Emergency Grants: Applicants may receive up to $500 in Emergency Grants grant per annual funding period. Repeat applications are welcome, and multiple awards may be received, for a total of up to $500. If you received an Interlace Covid Relief Grant in 2020, you can apply for Interlace Emergency Relief grant. For Project Grants: Applicants who have previously been awarded a Project Grant grant as a lead applicant may reapply with a new project two years after completing their funded project.
  • For the Emergency Grant, what are some examples of emergency needs?
    Acceptable circumstances include but are not limited to: lack of access to basic needs like food or housing; eviction; utility shut-off; healthcare expenses; interruption of phone or internet service; and loss of employment/wages.
  • How do I contact Interlace if I have additional questions?
    Please write to Interlace Program Manager Jori Ketten at You can also call or text at 401-288-1539. Additionally, for Project Grant applicants, we strongly recommend that applicants attend an Interlace information session or workshop—find such event schedules and details in the "News & Events" section of this website.
  • How and where can I apply for Interlace grants?
    Use Interlace's website or social media platforms to access the online application link, which leads to an application platform called Submittable. The application platform is accessible via computer or smartphone; however, we recommend you use a computer. You will need to sign up for a free Submittable account to complete the application. Please note the email address you use to sign up with may be used to contact you. If you have any technical issues or challenges, please write to us at:
  • What if I don't have access to a computer / internet?
    Local libraries typically have free access to computers and the internet. You can find your nearest local library here. If access to a computer / internet is continually prohibitive, please contact us at (401) 288-1539.
  • Are accommodations available for grant applicants with visual and/or hearing impairments?
    For applicants with visual and/or hearing impairments: Interlace will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations so that applicants can be ensured equal access and opportunity to apply. If additional accommodations need to be made, please contact us at (401) 288-1539 or
  • What happens to the information in my grant application once submitted?
    Identifying information provided in Emergency Grant applications will only be seen by the Interlace Program Manger. The Program Manager anonymizes application data for the independent review committee to the greatest possible extent. Application details of Emergency Grant are never shared beyond Interlace. We take confidentiality seriously. If you are awarded an Emergency Grant, your information will not be publicized. Project Grant applications will be screened for eligibility by the Interlace Program Manager and then reviewed and scored by guest jurors. Applicants are not discussed outside of the jury and Interlace staff. If you are awarded and accept a Project Grant, Interlace will announce the award and share the title and description you provided in your application in outreach materials and on our website.
  • How will Emergency Grant grantees be selected, and how will funds be disbursed?
    Applications will be reviewed only for eligibility. Applicants will receive confirmation that Interlace has received their application and notification that their application is eligible. Grantees are determined via a needs-based rubric by an independent review committee. Applicants will be notified regarding the status of their grant. If you receive funding, you will receive an email confirmation. Grant award payments will be made via check that can be mailed to an address within the Providence area 10-mile radius or picked up in person.
  • Can I apply again if I'm not awarded a grant?
    Yes. You can apply as many times as you like for both the Emergency Grant and the Project Grant.
  • How do I contact Interlace if I have additional questions?
    Please write to Interlace Program Manager Jori Ketten at You can also call or text at 401-288-1539. Additionally, for Project Grant applicants, we strongly recommend that applicants attend an Interlace information session or workshop—find such event schedules and details in the "News & Events" section of this website.
  • How can I use Emergency Grant funding?
    These grants are intended to mitigate the harmful effects of emergency situations and crises, such as eviction, utility shut-off, healthcare expenses, phone or internet service interruption, and more. There are no restrictions on what the grant may be spent on, and there are no reporting requirements.
  • If I'm awarded an Emergency Grant, will my name be made public?
    No, awardees' names and personal information will not be disclosed or publicized.
  • Will I need to pay taxes on Emergency Grant funds?
    No, you will not have to fill out a W-9 or receive a 1099 for this grant and do not have to pay taxes on the award.
  • How do I contact Interlace if I have additional questions?
    Please write to Interlace Program Manager Jori Ketten at You can also call or text at 401-288-1539. Additionally, for Project Grant applicants, we strongly recommend that applicants attend an Interlace information session or workshop—find such event schedules and details in the "News & Events" section of this website.
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